5 Exercises in 10 Minutes

A lot of people are always making excuses that they can’t work out, that they don’t have time. I can fix that! I will give you a quick workout you can do in 10 minutes that will at least get you up and moving during the day.

1. Jumping Squats

Jumping squats are so great for you, not only because they elevate the heart rate but they target the glutes, quads and hamstrings. If you do 2 rounds of 20 seconds with a 10 second rest in between it’ll keep your heart rate nice and high and get your warmed up and burning fat.

2. Lunges

Similar to jumping squats, combining the strength training and cardio will help keep the heart rate up and burn fat. If you find standing or walking lunges to easy you can always turn them into jumping lunges. Same with squats, 2 rounds of 20 seconds with 10 second rest.

3. Push Ups 

You can either do these on your knees or on your toes depending on your level of strength, instead of doing the 2 rounds with a rest do a 3 sets of 10 with a 10 second rest in between sets.

4. Russian Twists 

You can use a weight if bodyweight is to easy for you, but if you sit with your knees up and feet flat on the floor and lean back. Try and put about a 45 degree angle between your chest and your knees. Twist from side to side making sure you engage your abdominals. Same with the push ups, do 3 sets of 10 with a 10 second rest in between. *If you don’t know how to find them, squeeze your tummy muscles in and up, try and tuck them up and under your ribcage.

5. Swimmers

These are taken from the Ashy Bines Ab/Booty Challenge so full credit to her! But these are great for your whole body. Lie on your stomach and lift up both your arms and legs and pretend like you are swimming, freestyle type of thing. 2 rounds of 20 seconds of this with a 10 second rest in between will be sure to get your heart rate up, your shoulders burning and your butt screaming.

Repeat all 5 exercises again so you do them all twice. These are 5 exercises that will increase your heart rate, burn some calories and very time efficient.

Work hard!




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